Wednesday, 8 July 2015

5 Foods You MUST Avoid Before Sex

You’ve probably heard about foods, which boost your sex drive or raise your sex quotient. But did you also know that there are foods, which can be a total put off when consumed before sex.
I have listed the 5 foods to avoid before sex below….
Beans-Lol,yes o beans tops the list of a no no before sexual assault. Beans are a good source of fibre and proteins for our body. But they also contain a type of sugar that doesn’t digest fast and causes bloating and gas. We can all agree that a gassy and bloating belly is not ideal for sex.

Garlic Garlic adds extra flavour to our food, but it is really a good idea before sex. It not only has a strong scent which can be an instant turn off but also has starches that can cause bloating.

Cheese You probably didn’t expect cheese to make it to the list of foods to avoid before sex, but the truth is that cheese can be a smelly nightmare and can turn your partner off. Cheese breath lingers on long after it has been consumed, so skip this food if you want to impress your partner.

Red meat- Red meat is heavy and can take a long time to digest. This will leave you feeling sluggish and sleepy, which will surely affect your performance in bed.

Peppermint While you might think that chomping on a peppermint for fresh breath is a good idea before sex, studies show that the menthol present in peppermint can reduce testosterone levels and this can affect your sex drive.

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